Other people say this is definitely not true. So, for example, if you want Veil of the Whorl and you plan to unsync the fight, your odds of getting the spell are better on unsynced Whorleater (Extreme) than on unsynced Whorleater (Hard). This is hard to prove but my anecdotal evidence says that this IS most likely true.
Level 5 petrify ffxiv trial#

All other class quest spells can be found in the open world. You can easily solo this unsynced once your Blue is leveled and has a few spells. The guaranteed drop dungeon spells are Mind Blast, which is needed for the level 20 Blue Mage class quest and comes from the Tam-Tara Deepcroft, and Glower, which is needed for the level 40 Blue Mage class quest and comes from the Aurum Vale.
Level 5 petrify ffxiv Patch#
In order to learn all 104 spells available at level 70 BLU, you will need to have completed the main story through Stormblood (including most of the patch content), opened up all three tiers of the Alexander raid series and the Omega raid series, and finished the Hildebrand side story line up to the Battle in the Big Keep.It IS possible to learn more than one spell during a single fight! (If you do a synced run of Dragon’s Neck, it’s possible to learn three spells at once: Aqua Breath, 4-Tonze Weight, and Snort!) Some instanced fights have more than one spell you can learn.There will never be a case where you learn the spell and your buddy Blue does not, as long as the two of you are partied. If you are partied with other Blues trying to learn spells, either all Blues get it or none do.You do NOT have to get hit by the ability to learn the spell! You just have to see it cast.If you are in the open world and the mob has been tagged by someone who isn’t in your party, you won’t be able to learn any spells from it.Do not end the fight dead! If you are instancing with other Blue Mages for spell learning, don’t finish the fight until all Blues have been raised, if at all possible. You cannot learn a spell if you are dead when the mob that cast it dies! This is something that comes up frequently while trying to learn spells in instanced content.For spells without cast bars, try to keep an eye on your floating text or combat log to make sure the spell you are after has actually been used before you kill the mob. Not all spells you can learn have cast bars, unfortunately, but for the ones that do make sure the spell is completed before you kill the mob or you won’t learn the spell. In order to learn a spell from a mob, you must have aggro on that mob - either by yourself, or by being partied with someone who does - and you must SEE the spell being cast to completion.

See the section below on “Ways to Learn Blue Mage Spells” for more info!)įirst, some important general notes about Blue Mage spell learning! (Important Note: A new spell called Basic Instinct, made available with the most recent set of Blue Mage spells, makes it possible for a Blue Mage with a decent set of spells to solo every 4-man instanced dungeon up to level cap while synced, and even some of the easier 8-man synced content. For example, running synced dungeons to learn spells is much easier if you have learned the Aetherial Mimicry spell, but you have to be level 60 to learn that, which means you will have to learn it fairly late in your Blue Journey and may want to hold off on synced dungeons until that point. If you prefer the slow-and-steady style of leveling you will need to adjust some of these recommendations. In my experience, your best option is to power level your Blue Mage to 70, then set about gathering your spells, so this guide is oriented toward that approach. Note that many spells have more than one possible option for learning, and my favorite method might not be yours! Introduction While your Blue Spell Book will tell you one place you may get a spell, it will not tell you ALL the places, and sometimes the place it mentions is not your best option for learning that spell. Here is my list of the suggested best ways to learn the 104 spells available to level 70 Blue Mages.